Marketing 101

I launched my business over two years ago…and boy have a I learned a lot. I have wasted countless hours on creating (trying to anyway) my own marketing and branding. Yes, I do know that I need to market my business and “brand” myself.

The one probelm…ME! I was convinced that I could do everything myself without the help of a professional. NEVER AGAIN!!!

If there is one word of advice to any new business owner, regardless of the profession…..Hire a professional. You will waste more time, effort, energy, tears, and sanity trying to do things yourself.

Also, the old saying “you get what you pay for” is SOOO true. Last year I invested in a low cost predesigned logo….Simply stated – I didn’t like it.

So this year I did a little research, asked for some referrals and fate led me to my logo/marketing birthmother, Tyra.

Tyra (pronounced Tee-ra) is a genius. It went like this. I emailed her and asked a few questions, she emailed me back right away with a quote and answered my crazy questions. She called me and asked me a few questions about what I really wanted, colors I liked/didn’t like, and what my “vision” was. Mostly I told her what I didn’t like.

In a few days she had 3 logos for me to review…I really liked 2 of the 3 and loved 1. It was a painless, simple, and SUPER FAST process. Best of all NO STRESS!

She created a new logo, this fancy blog header, a Facebook logo, business cards and she’s not done yet.  Who knows when I will have her stop 🙂  She just makes things so easy!

Love Her!

If you are in the market for a new logo, or any marketing pieces I strongly suggest working with Tyra.

2012 Bucket List

I started writing this blog post in January and it is now Feb 15th and I’m ready to post.

At the start of 2011 I created a list of resolutions, goals and aspirations.  I didn’t complete every one of my goals for 2011; however I did come close.  As I sat down to begin my 2012 list I found myself listing very vague goals.  Listing such vague goals wasn’t something that was helping me; it actually was frustrating.  I had to come up with a more specific list.

I believe strongly that in order for me to complete my “Bucket List” I need to first reflect on where I have been, where I am and where I want to be.  Once I have done this I can set SMART goals.

I read somewhere on the internet about SMART goals, I can’t take the credit for the term SMART, but I agree with the theory.  This is how I determined what should be on my 2012 Bucket List.






I prefer to change the A from Attainable to Accountable.

I also believe (very strongly) that you should actually write down and share your Bucket List with someone to hold yourself accountable.

So here goes….My 2012 Bucket List
No real order of importance; simply listed in the order they popped into my head.

  • Buy a new camera
  • More me time – this is one of the vague goals I mentioned
  • Blog – 10 photos minimum of each session (5 photos for mini sessions)
  • Attend 2-4 workshops
  • Schedule less individual sessions and more mini sessions
  • Have Jenn take pictures of David and I with our cows – don’t laugh!  Jenn knows what my vision is:)
  • Canvass print of David and I from above photo session
  • Eat healthier – Ugh…I had to write it down.
  • Less “internet surfing” time each day.  Commit to less than 1 hour per day.
  • “Exercise” 3 times per week. (Must be 30 minutes to qualify)
  • Read 3 books
  • Continue to volunteer
  • Put $### into a savings account each month….Yes there is really an amount there….I’m bashful and don’t want to share
  • Learn more about off camera lighting
  • Create a portfolio and album for wedding meetings
  • Go to a movie in a movie theatre
  • Create Animoto videos of seniors and weddings.

There it is folks!  I’m printing this out and will be revisiting as often as needed.