
Friday I leave for my annual Cousins vacation.  Staci Mae and I have a goal to visit each state and this year we are keeping the trip close to home.  We are visiting the great state of Minnesota.  I know, I know not much of a vacation.  However, a few days away from everything is just what I need.  I don’t really care where it is at this point.

Each year when we go on our trip I tend to find a zoo or a park and take LOTS of fun pictures.  I can’t wait to see what I find this year.  Chicago it was the great flowers in the park and in Iowa it was the elephant in the zoo and the pews in the Basilica.  I will be sure to post photos of our vacation when we get back.

Here are my favorite elephant photos from our trip last year.  One client ordered these pictures for her sons nursery.  How cute would these be in a childs safari room!

Addie Mae

Our niece came to stay with us for the weekend at Easter time.  We visited the Minnesota Zoo on Friday and on Saturday evening we went to the Easter Vigil.

Before we left for Church we had a few minutes to spare and she looked OH SO ADORABLE.  Her little curls, dress and cute little face….I just HAD to take pictures of her.

Here are a few pictures from the photo shoot.  To view all the photos and the video of her photo shoot please visit my website.


We had fun with some pretty purple flowers….


And a fun purple Easter hat!

I think this one is my favorite…..It is just so sweet!


I just ran across a wedding photographers site and am absolutely inspired.  She does AMAZING work.  It is funny how photographers can inspire one another.

It makes me very excited for my first wedding ever.  It is coming up quickly, July 3rd at Justin Trails in Sparta WI.



Some clients simply can’t pick their absolute favorites.  One idea is to create a photo collage. Elizabeth gave me her list of favorites and asked me if I could do a collage for her.  I simply LOVE making collages as they are like a page out of a scrapbook.


I recently took the time to sit down and learn how to create a video of the images that I took during a maternity photo session.  Just like anything else once I dabble in it, my desire to do more increases.

So I took it one step further and made some VERY unique videos that I think are the GREATEST!

Check them out!